Monday, November 3, 2008

Ward Halloween Party

We had your usual showing of rabble rousers, but thought these stole the show. First, a coupla cowpokes. Notice Allison's sleeve. Not quite sure if that's dirt from working so hard on the range rustling steer, or just a little chocolate from wrestling a brownie. Either way, you can tell who won - Allison's a toughie.
Next our two cats - Melanie as a spooky black cat, and Julia as the Cat in the Hat. Our two gorgeous, whiskered, feline fatales.

1 comment:

annalee said...

Hey Jill! It's so great to see photos of your family. You guys need to come up here and we can play! BTW I need your email address b/c the one I have is not working...

take care,
